Why Regressions Are Different From Readings
I am often approached by individuals who ask me for a “reading” on their past lives. I explain …
What is your Souls Mission?
When I ask a client why they want a past-life regression, most say it's to find out why …
Why Zoom Sessions are More Effective Than In Person
After my last podcast, I had many folks contact me inquiring about an in person session. As many …
What Past-Life Exploration Can Do For You!
I am often asked what good a past-life regression will do. After all, most folks are overwhelmed with …
Recreating the Past to Heal the Present
I recently had the pleasure of working with a client who had one of the most clear examples …
Past-Life and Current-Life Parallels
One of the last questions I ask at the end of a past-life regression, is for the client …
Why You Should Allow a Few Months Between Regressions
I remember when I was studying the Edgar Cayce life readings in which he would reveal someone’s past lives, …
Regression Is Sacred Work–Not A Cult Following
From time to time, I check in on some of the past-life pages on Facebook. Many of them are …
Regression Helps You See the Forest for the Trees!
Toward the end of a past-life regression session, I ask my client to review what they just experienced …
Uncovering and Healing Negative Behavior Patterns
One of the most transformative elements in past-life work is identifying and working through negative behavior patterns. The …