
A written form of meditation and soul communication.

Soul Writing™

Soul Writing™ is a written form of meditation. It is a transformational tool that gives the writer a perspective that otherwise would have eluded him/her when in a conscious state. It is a method of communication that accesses information from a higher source. Some people believe that source is God. Others credit their guardian angels or spirit guides, while still others believe it is their higher self or subconscious mind.

Regardless of your personal beliefs, it’s a valuable skill to develop and use for personal AND professional use. 

What You'll Experience

A composer sat in the audience, saying she had writer's block and could not write the lyrics to her latest song. After her second soul writing™ sessions, the lyrics came to her and the song was complete.

An attorney sat in the audience, saying she was very much an analytical, left-brain thinker. After her first soul writing™ session, she openly wept, saying she never thought such a profound message could come through her.

A woman sat in the audience, despondent over issues in her life for which there seemed to be no answers. After soul writing™ session she found her answers and her despair lifted.

This is the power of Soul Writing™! 

Edgar Cayce, the most renowned psychic of the 20th century, said it is everyone’s birthright to communicate with Source and listen to that still small voice coming from within one’s soul—a voice that guides and inspires us to find the answers that lie within. That is the essence of Soul Writing™.

Everyone can learn to do soul writing™—it is not something reserved for only a few. The method Joanne teaches includes relaxation (meditation), white light (prayer) of protection, setting an intent or question, and then allowing the writing to proceed. She outlines her process in her books and through her classes and workshops.

With Soul Writing™, you can get answers to any question you have. It's like having a 24/7 "phone home card" to spirit. Someone is always on the other end of the line, joyously providing guidance to help you get unstuck by providing a different perspective. Soul Writing can be applied to all aspects of your life, including soul's growth, psychoanalysis, healing, dream interpretation, past-life exploration, examining profound esoteric truths, and answering day-to-day questions about relationships, careers, health, finance, and more. The list is endless and the counsel is priceless.

Joanne has been doing soul writing™ for over 30 years and has found it an invaluable tool in her soul’s growth. There is no better way of uncovering that truth than through soul writing. 

As one of Joanne's research participants wrote: “This experience is a door opener that is extraordinary in its potential.”

Joanne teaches soul writing™ via Zoom for $175 per session (90 minute session). To schedule a private session, go to the online appointment booking button below.

Rates are as follows:

Soul-Writing™ Session

Up to 1.5 hours. $175 per session.

Before booking an appointment please read our Cancellation Policy

Soul-Writing™ Session

Up to 1.5 hours. $175 per session. 

The Companion Mode of Healing: Soul Writing with Joanne
For advanced soul writers
Up to 1.5. hours - $175

If you have taken the Soul Writing course, or if you have been doing Soul Writing on your own, you can now book a private session with Joanne to get answers to questions of your choosing. When booking this session, send Joanne up to six questions for which you’d like guidance. Joanne will lead you into a Soul Writing meditation and then you will both focus on your questions one at a time. While you connect with Spirit to get your answers, Joanne will do the same and ask that she be given a message on your behalf. Each writing segment is approximately 10 minutes in length, followed by a five-minute sharing period. Whether you want verification or a different perspective on the messages you’ve been receiving, this method of Soul Writing—called the Companion Mode of Healing—is a transformative tool that will inspire and empower you on your soul’s journey. A written transcript of Joanne’s messages will be sent to you. To make an appointment go to my Website under Services/Soul Writing.

Soul Writing Message for August

October 1st, 2024

“My dear child we are with you in love and in light. It is difficult when there is so much darkness surrounding you that you hold onto the hope that the loving light of the Universe will shine through and dispel that darkness. Hope is something that is challenging to hold on to when it feels as though elements are working to the contrary. This is where faith comes in. You have already experienced what life is like for those who have no faith, who don’t believe in an afterlife, or don’t believe in a higher power. What then do they believe in? Science? While science has its place, it is faith that sustains you, that feeds the human spirit, to enable you to keep moving forward no matter what setbacks present themselves. We are not speaking of a religious faith, although that has its place. We are speaking in the soul’s faith, in remembering who it is and where it came from and where it is going. In believing in the continuum of life. In understanding nothing in life is random. Everything has a purpose and a meaning, even if you cannot see it at a particularly bleak moment in time. There is no class you can take to acquire faith. It is only the inspiration of others who live a life of faith and belief that influences the lives of those who don’t. Words have meaning, but actions have even greater meaning. Living a calm and peaceful life, even in the midst of chaos, is the best example to those who are constantly experiencing anxiety, worry and desperation. Do what needs to be done to remain centered and be a beacon of hope to those who have yet to find the tools they have to enable them to sail through life’s storms without fear of drowning.”


“I was diagnosed with breast cancer in January 2020 and at that same time I experienced a spiritual awakening. I learned about your book Soul Writing. It resonated with me so much and is what I consider my first spiritual "teacher," helping me to find a way to connect with spirit again, and facilitated my healing to integrate my body, mind, and spirit. In coming to your work, I got a clear message from spirit that to heal from the cancer required not only healing the body, but my emotional and spiritual bodies too. Something about your work of soul writing may be the piece that I have felt missing, to encourage holistic healing of not just mind and emotions, but heart and soul, too.”
Oh, Joanne, I am so happy with the results of my Soul Writing!  On my first try, Spirit opened our conversation with "Dear One," and the next time "Beloved One!" It made me feel so loved! I feel as though I'm having a conversation with Spirit. Although I may start off with 1 question, inevitably Spirit's responses lead me to more questions and when I ask, Spirit answers my head and on paper. Thank you for bringing this wonderful experience to me. I am joyous to be in touch with Spirit.


"Wow Joanne!!!!! This soul writing message is the most perfect thing I’ve ever read or learned about my soul. Today I sculpted away, the first time in many years."