Looking For Mr. (or Ms.) Right? Beware of a Cell Mate in Soul Mate Clothing!
Looking For Mr. (or Ms.) Right? Beware of a Cell Mate in Soul Mate Clothing!
If you read the April edition of this newsletter, you know that my current research project
involves soul mates. I decided to explore the topic of soul mates at greater depth for a few
reasons. The first is that for over 30 years I've been trying to find a way of sharing how my own
soul mate relationship has impacted my life and the lives of those I love. It is a story that could
fill a book of its own–one I think you'll find compelling–but I have allocated it to one chapter in
my upcoming book: Soul Mates or Cell Mates. In it, I will discuss the concept of soul mates and
how so many of my clients over the years have mistaken a soul mate to be the ultimate in a
romantic partner. While that is true in some cases, in the vast majority of cases, it is a fantasy
vision of who and what is a true soul mate.
Did you know, for instance, that your mother could be your soul mate? Or your brother? Or your
best friend? A soul mate is ANY soul with whom you've had a relationship in the past. ANY
relationship. It doesn't necessarily have to be a romantic relationship. You are simply two souls
who have had a lifetime together in the past. The question becomes, what KIND of a relationship
was it? For the good? Or was it destructive? Did you resolve issues when you were together in
the past? Or did you bring those issues with you into this life? Is the lesson each of you is
presenting to the other one that appears to be loving, or has it caused you pain and suffering? Has
it held you back? Has it kept you confined to a box with a label on it that you want to rip off and
say–"THIS ISN'T ME!!" Did the relationship in the past have such a devastating impact on you
that the energy from the circumstances surrounding that life have been carried into this one?
It may be hard for you to believe that the person you have identified as your "soul mate" may be,
in fact, your "cell mate." This is what I will be exploring in my research project. In it, I will also
touch on the other misunderstood term, "Twin Flames" or "Twin Souls." These are the other
terms that get tossed around, sometimes rather carelessly, without understanding their actual
definitions. So look for that.
In June, I will start conducting regressions of individuals who believe they have an ongoing soul
mate (or cell mate) relationship with someone in their current life who has been with them in a
prior life. If you have a compelling story about your own soul mate/cell mate relationship,
contact me at joanne@joannedimaggio.com. I will send you a questionnaire to complete for
consideration as a volunteer for this project.
Ah…true love!