Exit Points and Walk-Ins!

Exit Points and Walk-Ins!

A few weeks ago, I conducted a past-life regression with soul writing. The soul writing
portion of our session brought up something I had learned early on in my past-life
education, but had pretty much forgotten about over the years–and that is about exit
What is an exit point? Basically it is an opportunity that may, or may not, come up in any
given life in which the soul has the option of leaving a body because it does not wish to
complete its mission for that particular life. That opportunity may materialize in a car or
other accident, through a near-fatal illness, intense personal problems, trauma, or any
other number of ways a person is faced with a possible, sudden death. At that moment,
the soul decides if it will remain with that body and complete its mission, or exit and
allow what we refer to as a "walk-in" soul to come in and finish that life. The theory was
that there are souls who are willing to come in and finish out a lifetime that another soul
rejects. This is based on a prior agreement between the two souls.
The advantage of this is that the walk-in retains the memories of the original soul, so no
one usually notices the difference, but they don't have the emotional reaction to those
memories. The walk-in brings their own spiritual consciousness into that life and
integrates that with that of the previous soul occupant. Another advantage to the walk-in
is that they don't have to go through childhood and slow maturation into adulthood. They
were never "born" in the true sense of the word, so their perspective is different than
those who are born into a body.
I give no credence to this theory one way or the other, although in my early years of
research, I did encounter individuals who claimed to be walk-ins. You can read more
about it in Ruth Montgomery's book: Strangers Among Us. The movie Heaven Can
Wait also depicts a walk-in situation. Many other examples abound.
Of course, this theory brings up more questions than answers. There are as many
benefits as there are deficits in this type of soul exchange–so many in fact that it would
be impossible to list them all in this newsletter article. So I will leave it up to you? What
do you think about this theory? Do you know anyone who claims to be a walk-in? Let
me know and I'll share your insights in our next issue.

