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About Joanne DiMaggio

Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, Joanne DiMaggio had a long career in marketing and public relations before pursuing a very successful freelance writing career. She has had hundreds of feature articles published in national and local newspapers, magazines, and websites.

Soul Mate. You see and hear that phrase everywhere, from magazine articles and television commercials to conversations with friends. Everyone, it seems, is searching for that elusive perfect romantic partner. Yet, in reality, a soul mate is not always a love interest. Your parents, your children, your friends, and your work colleagues can all be your soul mates. But there’s a flip side to the soul mate relationship. Some are actually cell mates who keep you emotionally imprisoned. Or they could be a twin soul who is here to work alongside you on the same agenda. Understanding the difference between the three is explored by Joanne DiMaggio, MA, CHt, who has been researching and exploring reincarnation for over 35 years. Learn what experts in the field have to say about this misunderstood topic, and then read about the past-life /present-life experiences of ten research project volunteers who share what they’ve learned from their soul mates, cell mates, or twin souls as they travel together on the road to enlightenment.

Soul Writing: Conversing With Your Higher Self"

When faced with life s big questions, we often find ourselves wishing for a guidebook, a manual to help us through the important decisions. But as Joanne DiMaggio so clearly points out, we do have access to all the answers we need. The process of connecting to the sacred wisdom within us that part of us that has our answers is always available through a technique called inspirational writing, or soul writing™.

I Did It to Myself…Again!: New Life-Between-Lives Case Studies Show How Your Soul's Contract Is Guiding Your Life

What does it feel like to die? What does the afterlife look like? Who are the Council of Elders and how do they assist in planning your next life? Who are members of your soul family and what role did they play in your past lives as well as in your current life? What are the karmic issues and attributes you brought into this life?

Karma Can be a Real Pain: Past Life Clues to Current Life Maladies

Are physical and mental illnesses the result of karma acquired in a past life, and if so, does uncovering that lifetime lead to healing? According to the yearlong research project conducted by author and past-life specialist, Joanne DiMaggio, the answer is yes! Fifty volunteers, ranging in age from 34 to 74, participated in the project.

Your Soul Remembers

Your Soul Remembers is proof positive that answers to questions about your past lives are at the tip of your finger. Author and past-life specialist, Joanne DiMaggio, conducted a groundbreaking research project, combining past-life regression and a form of inspirational writing she calls Soul Writing™. With the help of fifty volunteers, ranging in age from 23 to 81, Joanne regressed each to the past life that was having the most impact on them now.

On June 23, 1936, Edgar Cayce gave a life reading for two-day old Thomas Jefferson (T.J.) Davis, the nephew of his secretary, Gladys Davis. In this reading, Cayce identified one of the child’s past lives as that of Thomas Jefferson, adding that in this life T.J. could do for the world what Jefferson did for this country. This book examines why that never happened. It presents a classic case of karma in action and the free will’s series of twists and turns that created the obstacles that T.J. felt powerless to overcome. Here is the story of the fate of a child that Edgar Cayce so loved and predicted could be the world’s redemption . . . if only. 

From 1964-1972, Joanne DiMaggio was the president of a Beatles Fan Club. Fifteen years later, she began pursuing a career as a past-life researcher and therapist. In those ensuing years, she always wondered how did she, a Catholic girl from an Italian-American family living in a blue-collar neighborhood on Chicago’s southside, go from being passionate about the Beatles to becoming passionate about reincarnation research? It was a totally illogical leap, which begged the question: did anything happen during the heyday of Beatlemania that may have planted a seed leading her to an esoteric career long after the group disbanded? In this semi-biographical book, Joanne revisits the past to answer that question as she discovers how the Beatles influenced not only her spiritual journey, but the spiritual journey of countless other baby boomers. 

Review by Sherri Cortland

“When I was starting out on my spiritual journey in the early 1980’s, I read every Cayce book available.  I joined the Association for Research & Enlightenment and took several classes, including one about past life regression when it was held in New Jersey, not too far from where I lived in upstate New York.  So, obviously, when I saw the title of this book, how could I resist? 

And thank goodness I didn’t.  I read this fabulous tome in one day.  I could not put it down. I called my pal, Heidi, and insisted she read it right away. And the big obstacle for me, as I write this review, is that I do not want to give it all away.

As you pick up this volume, before you start to read, ask yourself the following questions…

What if you had a life reading by Cayce when you were just a few days old and he told your parents and your aunt that you were not only the reincarnation of Thomas Jefferson, but also of Alexander the Great; not to mention important lifetimes in Atlantis and France?

Take it a step further: 

What if you were then told that this baby would do for the WORLD what Thomas Jefferson did for the United States of America?

How would you react?  How would your handle your parenting duties?  Would the pressure be too much too much for you to deal with or would you do everything in your power to make sure that this child got the attention and education necessary to help him fulfill his destiny?

Let’s take it another step further: 

What if you were this child?  How would you handle such knowledge?

Here’s a quote from the book to pull these thoughts together:

“This was the auspicious start of T.J.’s life with his future spread out like a magnificent buffet table of possibilities.  Everyone knew the reading well—not only those who were present that day, but scores of other individuals who heard that this extraordinary soul was now in the care of the Davis and Cayce families.  But no one knew that reading better than T.J., as Gladys [his aunt and Cayce’s Assistant] read it to him nightly as one would a bedtime story. 

So now the stage is set.  The players have read the script.  All they needed to do was to perform their part until he came of age and could continue the course to fulfill his destiny.”

Was this destiny fulfilled?  I will not spoil the fun and awe of reading this book for yourself, as Joanne DiMaggio takes us through the tale of T.J. from birth through his 70’s.  This story is well written, and beyond fascinating.  As I said earlier, I could not put it down.”

Sherri Cortland